Subduction Zone Setup#
Author: Cian Wilson
To describe the subduction zone geometry we need to build a two-dimensional domain around the slab spline that we can now create using the create_slab
function defined in the previous notebook. In the simplest case this domain is simply a rectangle around the spline but more generally will include a sloping coastline, a crust and potentially an upper crust if the slab is subducting beneath a continent. As with the spline we will also include certain important points in the domain and extra boundaries (lines) demarking special diagnostic regions of interest in the model. Also as with the spline we use a python class implemented in our own
module to do most of the work.
Let’s start by adding the path to the modules in the python
folder to the system path (so we can find the geometry
import sys, os
basedir = ''
if "__file__" in globals(): basedir = os.path.dirname(__file__)
sys.path.append(os.path.join(basedir, os.path.pardir, 'python'))
Let’s also load the module generated by the previous notebooks to get access to the parameters and functions defined there.
from sz_base import default_params, allsz_params
from sz_slab import create_slab
Then let’s load all the remaining required modules at the beginning and set up our plotting preferences and a default output directory.
import geometry as geo
import utils
from mpi4py import MPI
import pyvista as pv
if __name__ == "__main__" and "__file__" in globals():
pv.OFF_SCREEN = True
import pathlib
if __name__ == "__main__":
output_folder = pathlib.Path(os.path.join(basedir, "output"))
output_folder.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True)
Subduction zone geometry#
In the following create_sz_geometry
function we use the slab
object returned to us by create_slab
to provide the bounds and set up a base SubductionGeometry
object, which will essentially describe the bounding domain with a sloping coastline if coast_distance > 0
. The domain can also be set up to overshoot the lowermost end of the slab spline using the extra_width
parameter. Crustal layers will then be added to the domain, controlled by the lc_depth
, uc_depth
and sztype
parameters (with the latter controlling how many layers are added). The approximate point where the flow into and out of the wedge changes direction is included in the domain as specified by io_depth
. Finally, we subdivide the wedge into a “diagnostic” region where certain benchmark values can be easily calculated. And, as in the previous notebook we use the same resscale
parameter to scale the global resolution.
def create_sz_geometry(slab, resscale, sztype, io_depth, extra_width,
coast_distance, lc_depth, uc_depth,
Function to construct and return a subduction zone geometry object that is used to generate
a mesh of a subduction zone. Optional keyword arguments default to parameters in the global
default_params dictionary if not specified.
* slab - an instance of a slab spline object
* resscale - resolution scale factor that multiplies all _res_fact parameters
* sztype - either 'continental' or 'oceanic', which determines if an upper crust is included
* io_depth - prescribed input/output depth on wedge side
* extra_width - extra width at the base of the domain
* coast_distance - distance from trench to coast
* lc_depth - depth of lower crustal boundary ("Moho")
* uc_depth - depth of upper crustal boundary [only has an effect if sztype is 'continental']
Keyword Arguments:
* slab_diag1_depth - starting depth along slab of slab diagnostic region
* slab_diag2_depth - end depth along slab of slab diagnostic region
resolutions factors (that get multiplied by the resscale to get the resolutions):
* io_depth_res_fact - input/output depth
* coast_res_fact - coastal point on top
* lc_slab_res_fact - lower crust slab intersection
* lc_side_res_fact - lower crust side intersection
* uc_slab_res_fact - upper crust slab intersection
* uc_side_res_fact - upper crust side intersection
* slab_diag1_res_fact - start of slab diagnostic region
* slab_diag2_res_fact - end of slab diagnostic region
* wedge_side_top_res_fact - top of the wedge side
* wedge_side_base_res_fact - base of the wedge side
* slab_side_base_res_fact - base of the slab side
surface ids:
* coast_sid - coastal slope
* top_sid - top of domain
* fault_sid - fault
* lc_side_sid - side of lower crust
* lc_base_sid - base of lower crust
* uc_side_sid - side of upper crust
* uc_base_sid - base of upper crust
* slab_sid - default slab surface id
* slab_diag_sid - diagnostic region of slab
* slab_side_sid - side of slab
* wedge_side_sid - side of wedge
* upper_wedge_side_sid - side of upper wedge
* slab_base_sid - base of slab
* wedge_base_sid - base of wedge
region ids:
* slab_rid - slab
* wedge_rid - wedge
* lc_rid - lower crust
* uc_rid - upper crust
* wedge_diag_rid - wedge diagnostic region
* geom - subduction zone geometry class instance
# get input parameters
# depths
slab_diag1_depth = kwargs.get('slab_diag1_depth', default_params['slab_diag1_depth'])
slab_diag2_depth = kwargs.get('slab_diag2_depth', default_params['slab_diag2_depth'])
# resolutions
io_depth_res = kwargs.get('io_depth_res_fact', default_params['io_depth_res_fact'])*resscale
coast_res = kwargs.get('coast_res_fact', default_params['coast_res_fact'])*resscale
lc_slab_res = kwargs.get('lc_slab_res_fact', default_params['lc_slab_res_fact'])*resscale
lc_side_res = kwargs.get('lc_side_res_fact', default_params['lc_side_res_fact'])*resscale
uc_slab_res = kwargs.get('uc_slab_res_fact', default_params['uc_slab_res_fact'])*resscale
uc_side_res = kwargs.get('uc_side_res_fact', default_params['uc_side_res_fact'])*resscale
slab_diag1_res = kwargs.get('slab_diag1_res_fact', default_params['slab_diag1_res_fact'])*resscale
slab_diag2_res = kwargs.get('slab_diag2_res_fact', default_params['slab_diag2_res_fact'])*resscale
wedge_side_top_res = kwargs.get('wedge_side_top_res_fact', default_params['wedge_side_top_res_fact'])*resscale
wedge_side_base_res = kwargs.get('wedge_side_base_res_fact', default_params['wedge_side_base_res_fact'])*resscale
slab_side_base_res = kwargs.get('slab_side_base_res_fact', default_params['slab_side_base_res_fact'])*resscale
# surface ids
coast_sid = kwargs.get('coast_sid', default_params['coast_sid'])
top_sid = kwargs.get('top_sid', default_params['top_sid'])
fault_sid = kwargs.get('fault_sid', default_params['fault_sid'])
lc_side_sid = kwargs.get('lc_side_sid', default_params['lc_side_sid'])
lc_base_sid = kwargs.get('lc_base_sid', default_params['lc_base_sid'])
uc_side_sid = kwargs.get('uc_side_sid', default_params['uc_side_sid'])
uc_base_sid = kwargs.get('uc_base_sid', default_params['uc_base_sid'])
slab_sid = kwargs.get('slab_sid', default_params['slab_sid'])
slab_diag_sid = kwargs.get('slab_diag_sid', default_params['slab_diag_sid'])
slab_side_sid = kwargs.get('slab_side_sid', default_params['slab_side_sid'])
wedge_side_sid = kwargs.get('wedge_side_sid', default_params['wedge_side_sid'])
slab_base_sid = kwargs.get('slab_base_sid', default_params['slab_base_sid'])
wedge_base_sid = kwargs.get('wedge_base_sid', default_params['wedge_base_sid'])
upper_wedge_side_sid = kwargs.get('upper_wedge_side_sid', default_params['upper_wedge_side_sid'])
# region ids
slab_rid = kwargs.get('slab_rid', default_params['slab_rid'])
wedge_rid = kwargs.get('wedge_rid', default_params['wedge_rid'])
lc_rid = kwargs.get('lc_rid', default_params['lc_rid'])
uc_rid = kwargs.get('uc_rid', default_params['uc_rid'])
wedge_diag_rid = kwargs.get('wedge_diag_rid', default_params['wedge_diag_rid'])
assert sztype in ['continental', 'oceanic']
# pass the slab object into the SubductionGeometry class to construct the geometry
# around it
geom = geo.SubductionGeometry(slab,
if sztype=='oceanic':
# add a single crust layer
# (using the lc parameters & ignoring the uc ones)
geom.addcrustlayer(lc_depth, "Crust",
sid=lc_base_sid, rid=lc_rid,
# add a lower crust
geom.addcrustlayer(lc_depth, "Crust",
sid=lc_base_sid, rid=lc_rid,
# add an upper crust
geom.addcrustlayer(uc_depth, "UpperCrust",
sid=uc_base_sid, rid=uc_rid,
# add the pre-defined in-out point on the wedge side
geom.addwedgesidepoint(io_depth, "WedgeSide::InOut", line_name="UpperWedgeSide",
# add wedge dividers for the diagnostics
geom.addwedgedivider(slab_diag1_depth, "ColdCorner",
# add wedge dividers for the diagnostics
geom.addwedgedivider(slab_diag2_depth, "WedgeFocused",
# return the geometry object
return geom
Demonstration - Benchmark#
To demonstrate the subduction zone geometry we first need a slab so we once again describe the simplified straight slab from the benchmark with a lower crustal depth lc_depth = 40
if __name__ == "__main__":
resscale = 5.0
# points in slab (just linear)
xs = [0.0, 140.0, 240.0, 400.0]
ys = [0.0, -70.0, -120.0, -200.0]
lc_depth = 40
slab = create_slab(xs, ys, resscale, lc_depth)
For demonstration purposes we have once again set a rather lower resolution resscale = 5.0
For the remainder of the geometry, in the benchmark cases we do not include a coastline or any extra width beyond the slab so coast_distance = 0
and extra_width = 0
. The subduction zone “type” is continental (sztype = "continental"
), which means we need to set an upper crustal depth, which in the benchmark is 15km, uc_depth = 15
. We have also already set the lower crustal depth, lc_depth = 40
if __name__ == "__main__":
coast_distance = 0
extra_width = 0
uc_depth = 15
lc_depth = 40
sztype = 'continental'
The input/output depth varies between the isoviscous (case 1) and nonlinear (case 2) benchmarks. We choose the value from case 1 here.
if __name__ == "__main__":
io_depth_1 = 139
Leaving all other parameters as their default values we can now instantiate a subduction zone geometry object.
if __name__ == "__main__":
geom = create_sz_geometry(slab, resscale, sztype, io_depth_1, extra_width,
coast_distance, lc_depth, uc_depth)
And examine it to see if it looks correct.
if __name__ == "__main__":
if MPI.COMM_WORLD.rank == 0:
fig = geom.plot(label_sids=False, label_rids=False)
fig.savefig(output_folder / "sz_geometry_benchmark.png")

The finished geometry object can now be used to generate the mesh we will use to solve our numerical problem. To do this we are using GMsh in the background.
if __name__ == "__main__":
mesh, cell_tags, facet_tags = geom.generatemesh()
Once the mesh (mesh
) and mesh tag objects (cell_tags
and facet_tags
) are generated we can visualize the resulting unstructured triangular mesh.
if __name__ == "__main__":
plotter_mesh = utils.plot_mesh(mesh, tags=cell_tags, gather=True, show_edges=True, line_width=1)
utils.plot_geometry(geom, plotter=plotter_mesh, color='green', width=2)
utils.plot_couplingdepth(slab, plotter=plotter_mesh, render_points_as_spheres=True, point_size=10.0, color='green')
utils.plot_save(plotter_mesh, output_folder / "sz_geometry_benchmark_mesh.png")
It’s also possible to output the geometry to file using:
if __name__ == "__main__":
filename = output_folder / "sz_geometry_benchmark"
Warning : Gmsh has aleady been initialized
Demonstration - Alaska Peninsula#
Once again the benchmark geometry is not very interesting so we also demonstrate the create_sz_geometry
function on a more interesting case from the global suite, “01_Alaska_Peninsula”. First we can examine the parameters.
if __name__ == "__main__":
if MPI.COMM_WORLD.rank == 0:
szdict_ak = allsz_params['01_Alaska_Peninsula']
print("{:<35} {:<10}".format('Key','Value'))
for k, v in szdict_ak.items():
if v is not None: print("{:<35} {}".format(k, v))
Key Value
coast_distance 260
extra_width 20
lc_depth 35
io_depth 185
uc_depth 15
dirname 01_Alaska_Peninsula
As 40.0
qs 0.065
A 52.2
sztype continental
Vs 59.0
z0 0.8
z15 0.4
xs [0, 68.2, 154.2, 235.0, 248.0, 251.0, 270.0, 358.0, 392.0]
ys [-6, -15.0, -35.0, -70.0, -80.0, -82.5, -100.0, -200.0, -240.0]
noting that in this case coast_distance
and extra_width
are non-zero, unlike in the benchmark case. “01_Alaska_Peninsula” is still a “continental” case however so we expect a geometry with two crustal layers.
We can define the geometry, once again using a low resolution resscale=5.0
for demonstration purposes.
if __name__ == "__main__":
resscale = 5.0
slab_ak = create_slab(szdict_ak['xs'], szdict_ak['ys'], resscale, szdict_ak['lc_depth'])
geom_ak = create_sz_geometry(slab_ak, resscale, szdict_ak['sztype'], szdict_ak['io_depth'], szdict_ak['extra_width'],
szdict_ak['coast_distance'], szdict_ak['lc_depth'], szdict_ak['uc_depth'])
and plot the resulting geometry
if __name__ == "__main__":
if MPI.COMM_WORLD.rank == 0:
fig_ak = geom_ak.plot(label_sids=False, label_rids=False)
fig_ak.savefig(output_folder / "sz_geometry_ak.png")

where the coastline and extra width are visible. We can now generate the mesh, visualize it and save it.
if __name__ == "__main__":
mesh_ak, cell_tags_ak, facet_tags_ak = geom_ak.generatemesh()
Warning : Gmsh has aleady been initialized
if __name__ == "__main__":
plotter_mesh_ak = utils.plot_mesh(mesh_ak, tags=cell_tags_ak, gather=True, show_edges=True, line_width=1)
utils.plot_geometry(geom_ak, plotter=plotter_mesh_ak, color='green', width=2)
utils.plot_couplingdepth(slab_ak, plotter=plotter_mesh_ak, render_points_as_spheres=True, point_size=10.0, color='green')
utils.plot_save(plotter_mesh_ak, output_folder / "sz_geometry_ak_mesh.png")
if __name__ == "__main__":
filename = output_folder / "sz_geometry_ak"
Warning : Gmsh has aleady been initialized
Demonstration - N Antilles#
We can also test create_sz_geometry
on an oceanic-oceanic subduction case, “19_N_Antilles”. First examining the parameters.
if __name__ == "__main__":
if MPI.COMM_WORLD.rank == 0:
szdict_ant = allsz_params['19_N_Antilles']
print("{:<35} {:<10}".format('Key','Value'))
for k, v in szdict_ant.items():
if v is not None: print("{:<35} {}".format(k, v))
Key Value
coast_distance 185
extra_width 19
lc_depth 30
io_depth 172
dirname 19_N_Antilles
As 40.0
Ac 90.0
A 85
sztype oceanic
Vs 17.6
z0 0.5
z15 0.25
xs [0, 50.0, 102.2, 166.0, 176.5, 179.0, 195.0, 271.0, 301.0]
ys [-6, -15.0, -30.0, -70.0, -80.0, -82.5, -100.0, -200.0, -240.0]
we can see that this case is “oceanic” and hence doesn’t specify an upper crustal depth, uc_depth
We can define the geometry, once again using a low resolution resscale=5.0
for demonstration purposes.
if __name__ == "__main__":
resscale = 5.0
slab_ant = create_slab(szdict_ant['xs'], szdict_ant['ys'], resscale, szdict_ant['lc_depth'])
geom_ant = create_sz_geometry(slab_ant, resscale, szdict_ant['sztype'], szdict_ant['io_depth'], szdict_ant['extra_width'],
szdict_ant['coast_distance'], szdict_ant['lc_depth'], szdict_ant['uc_depth'])
and plot the resulting geometry
if __name__ == "__main__":
if MPI.COMM_WORLD.rank == 0:
fig_ant = geom_ant.plot(label_sids=False, label_rids=False)
fig_ant.savefig(output_folder / "sz_geometry_ant.png")

where the coastline and extra width are visible. We can now generate the mesh, visualize it and save it.
if __name__ == "__main__":
mesh_ant, cell_tags_ant, facet_tags_ant = geom_ant.generatemesh()
Warning : Gmsh has aleady been initialized
if __name__ == "__main__":
plotter_mesh_ant = utils.plot_mesh(mesh_ant, tags=cell_tags_ant, gather=True, show_edges=True, line_width=1)
utils.plot_geometry(geom_ant, plotter=plotter_mesh_ant, color='green', width=2)
utils.plot_couplingdepth(slab_ant, plotter=plotter_mesh_ant, render_points_as_spheres=True, point_size=10.0, color='green')
utils.plot_save(plotter_mesh_ant, output_folder / "sz_geometry_ant_mesh.png")
if __name__ == "__main__":
filename = output_folder / "sz_geometry_ant"
Warning : Gmsh has aleady been initialized
With the geometry (and mesh!) untested but demonstrated, it’s possible to move onto describing the physical problem we want to solve.
Finish up#
Convert this notebook to a python script (making sure to save first)
if __name__ == "__main__" and "__file__" not in globals():
from ipylab import JupyterFrontEnd
app = JupyterFrontEnd()
!jupyter nbconvert --NbConvertApp.export_format=script --ClearOutputPreprocessor.enabled=True sz_geometry.ipynb
[NbConvertApp] Converting notebook sz_geometry.ipynb to script
[NbConvertApp] Writing 19772 bytes to